

This is the most solid, controversial, angry album the Boys from Brutalsville released so far: bringing back the fury of 'Eat More Possum' and the intensity of 'Here To Ruin Your Groove', here we have a total rockin' mess of black and decker Rock'n'Roll from the Kings of Destructo Rock.
Going strong for 20 years, ANTiSEEN are back to shake your foundations once again, helped by the Cosmic Commander of Wrestling and the Dean of Sods as Speakers of the House, be prepared to be crushed in the head by a death train of punk rock fury.
Song titles like 'Weight Of The World', 'Alive And Unwell', 'Scapegoat', 'Five Pounds Of Shit In Five Pound Bag' should make you realize that the Southern Punk War Machine has still a lot to say, and you better hear it!
Italian version. Special price.

Titel: Badwill Ambassadors
Stil: New Action Sounds
Typ: LP
Preis: 14.- CHF

ANTiSEEN - Badwill Ambassadors

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Unser Schallplattensortiment wird seit 1993 in unserem Laden in St. Gallen (Schweiz) gepflegt. Aus logistischen Gründen können wir leider keine Schallplatten mehr direkt an Kunden in Deutschland, Österreich und andere Länder liefern. Wenn Du unbedingt eine unserer Platten bestellen möchtest, dann wende dich an einen Freund/in in der Schweiz oder Liechtenstein, welche/r die Bestellung für dich tätigt und die Schallplatten für dich dort direkt entgegen nimmt.

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Intro: Thee Cosmic Commander Of Wrestling
Alpha Male
Alive And Unwell
Weight Of The World
The Dean Of Sods Returns
The Devil Meets The Longhaired Weirdo
Cosmo's Cosmic Cookie
From Parts Unknown

Ten Pounds Of Shit In A Five Pound Bag
No Apologies
Cosmo In The Sudan
Dear Abby
Pledge Allegiance To The Bomb
Q - Pid (A Twisted Lesson)

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